Version history
1.3.4 (current version)
- (Russian) fixed bug that made it impossible to type . (period) and , (comma)
- (IPA Full) added ᵝ
- better compatibility with other keyboard-related apps (like AutoHotkey) working in parallel
- added Czech
- ² is now typed with Alt+Shift+2 instead of Alt+2 to prevent conflict with @ on Spanish, Portuguese, Danish and other keyboard layouts
- minor changes in keyboard shortcuts
- (Math/Science) removed 𝔼 ℙ 𝕍
- (IPA Full) added rising-falling diacritic
- fixed incorrect display of quick-access shortcuts in the Options menu (thanks to C. Nagengast for the report)
- added Greek
- (IPA Full) optimized character order
- (IPA Full) added tone diacritics
- (IPA Full) removed a few less important typographical symbols to minimize conflicts and clutter
- (Math/Science) new characters
- improved compatibility with German keyboards
- pop-up help looks sharper on hi-DPI screens
- removed ← (left arrow symbol)
- added the stød symbol: ˀ (IPA Full)
- updated the character order for clicks (IPA Full) and ɛ ɜ ɝ (IPA English)
- added dedicated shortcuts for ɛ and ɑ (IPA English)
- added Math/Science and Hungarian keyboards
- useful symbols: ←→°±×·≠≈≤≥²³€ are now accessible in all keyboards
- fixed issues with the Game Bar and notifications in Windows 10
- improved experience for new users
- trial version released
- can set 3 instead of 2 quick-access shortcuts
- added extra single-keystroke shortcuts to Danish, Finnish, French, Italian, Portuguese & Swedish for
quicker typing of certain characters
- fixed issues with Alt+<digit> shortcuts not working on AZERTY keyboards
- changes to a few shortcuts (like ᵊ and ʳ) in both IPA keyboards
- worked around bug in all versions of Windows where bringing up the Save As or Open As dialog
secretly changes the keyboard layout, which could lead to stuck Ctrl key in TypeIt
- added Finnish
- added option to use Caps Lock as modifier key in addition to, or instead of, Ctrl
- added option to make Caps Lock behave like Ctrl in all applications
- worked around bug where switching off TypeIt with Alt+Enter would result in typing the number “2” in Anki