Support TypeIt
Dear Typists!
Thanks for taking a break from typing stuff to visit this page! I'll cut to the chase: Keeping TypeIt up and running takes time and money. There are financial costs (such as the server and bandwidth, or the cost of development hardware), but the biggest problem is time.
New versions of browsers come out all the time, and – every now and then – something changes in a way which makes TypeIt stop working. When that happens, I have to: (1) figure out what broke and why; (2) rewrite parts of TypeIt to preserve as much functionality as possible; (3) test TypeIt on 5-7 different platforms (browsers, OS’s, mobile devices) to make sure the newly written code didn't mess things up in other places.
Depending on the nature of the changes, all of this stuff can take a lot of time. To take just one example: not so long ago, a new version of Firefox came out, and I had to spend two weeks rewriting and testing the keyboard support code. Testing is particularly tedious, as it involves repeating sequences of keystrokes and clicks on different browsers and devices, to make sure every feature works everywhere.
Occasionally, I add new languages and features – like the feature that saves your text and lets you restore it if you close the browser tab by accident.
Finally, I’m the only system administrator this site has, so I have to be on standby in case the server goes down or there are performance problems. If that happens, I’m the one who has to drop everything and fix it ASAP.
All of this stuff adds up to a non-trivial amount of not-so-pleasant work, which is a problem because I have to make a living. That is why I decided to create a Patreon page. Patreon is a service which allows you to donate a small amount each month to support independent creators you like (that would be me). My hope is that support from users will give me the peace of mind to keep maintaining TypeIt in the foreseeable future.
So, if you like TypeIt and don’t want to see it disappear, you can help keep it up and running by becoming a Patron at whatever support level you're comfortable with. Only you know how much value you’re getting out of TypeIt and how much you can afford. However much you can chip in, you’re awesome and thanks a lot!

If you’d rather not become a Patron, you can also help out by making a one-time donation.